Disclaimer: I received a complimentary registration to run The Missoula Half Marathon to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews!
Running a half marathon is what’s next for me. I feel ready and I want to challenge myself. So when I learned about the Missoula half marathon I signed up for it right away.
The Missoula Marathon has been named as the Best Marathon In The U.S. on several occasions making The BibRave 100 and the Top 10 Bucket List Marathon.
Did you know that @missoulamarathon is ranked top 5 for Race-cation destination!
I have been running for a year and a half, I’m getting more confident but I feel like I have been training for this half for the last 7 years when I decided to turn my health around and started strength training.
I’m not looking to be the fastest runner out there I just want to enjoy it and so this for me.
The Missoula marathon offers an opportunity to everyone to participate and have a great time.
They have the Big Three Challenge:
Starting with the beer run on Friday June 24th
Then the 5k run on Saturday
And the half and full marathon on Sunday
What an epic weekend and the Big 3 Day Challenge is going to be amazing!
They also offer a fun kids marathon 1.2 miles.
This is truly a whole family event, and a family vacation destination.
The Missoula marathon it is a flat, easy course that many runners use as a Boston marathon qualifier. It is a runner’s dream with perfect temps and breathtaking sights.
More information here: Missoula Marathon